# pip3 install simplepush
from simplepush import send
# Send notification
send("HuxgBB", "message", title="title", event="event")
# Send end-to-end encrypted notification
send_encrypted("HuxgBB", "message", title="title", event="event", password="password", salt="salt")
// Add io.simplepush:notification:1.0.0 from jcenter to dependencies
import io.simplepush.Notification;
// Send notification
Notification.send("HuxgBB", "title", "message");
// Send encrypted notification
Notification.sendEncrypted("HuxgBB", "title", "message", "event", "password", "salt");
// npm i simplepush-notifications
const simplepush = require('simplepush-notifications');
// Send notification
simplepush.send({key: 'HuxgBB', title: 'title', message: 'message', event: 'event'});
// Send encrypted notification
simplepush.send({key: 'HuxgBB', title: 'title', message: 'message', event: 'event', password: 'password', salt: 'salt'});
// Check for errors
var callback = function (error) {
simplepush.send({key: 'HuxgBB', title: 'title', message: 'message', event: 'event'}, callback);
// php composer.phar require simplepush/simplepush-php
// Send notification
Simplepush::send("HuxgBB", "title", "message", "event");
// Send encrypted notification
Simplepush::send_encrypted("HuxgBB", "password", "salt", "title", "message", "event");
// go get github.com/simplepush/simplepush-go
package main
import "github.com/simplepush/simplepush-go"
func main() {
// Send notification
simplepush.Send(simplepush.Message{"HuxgBB", "title", "message", "event", false, "", ""})
// Send encrypted notification
simplepush.Send(simplepush.Message{"HuxgBB", "title", "message", "event", true, "password", "salt"})
#include <Simplepush.h>
Simplepush simple;
// Send unencrypted notification
simple.send("HuxgBB", "title", "message", "event");
simple.send("HuxgBB", "title", "no event", NULL);
simple.send("HuxgBB", NULL, "no event and no title", NULL);
// Send encrypted notification
simple.sendEncrypted("HuxgBB", "password", "salt", "title", "message", "event");
simple.sendEncrypted("HuxgBB", "password", "salt", "title", "no event", NULL);
simple.sendEncrypted("HuxgBB", "password", "salt", NULL, "no event and no title", NULL);